Love, civilization, responsibility, and co construction
Love is boundless, give back to society, and jointly build the ESG system with a highly conscious sense of social responsibility
Statement against slavery and human trafficking

T&W promises to undertake the corporate social and environmental responsibility, and maintains a zero tolerance altitude for slavery and human trafficking. We voluntarily comply with the requirements in SA8000, that is, “don’t use or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, including prison labour, as defined in ILO (International Labor Organization) Convention No. 29; don’t engage in or support human trafficking”, voluntarily comply with the BSCI requirements, that is, “don’t engage in any form of slavery, forced, mortaged, indentured or involuntary labor”, and voluntarily comply with the RBA requirements, that is, “prohibit the use of forced, bonded (including mortaged) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slaves or human trafficking”.


T&W has adopted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guidelines for itself and its suppliers. When conducting performance reviews and/or renewing business with suppliers, T&W will evaluate the conduct of each supplier in accordance with the Social Responsibility and Occupational Health Safety Commitment Letter.

T&W has also developed social responsibility statements based on international conventions, social responsibility standards, international labour and human rights standards. The statement reinforces and consolidates T&W’s commitment to the rights of its employees, supply chains and global workforce. The T&W Social Responsibility Statement can be found at http://www..


T&W has taken a variety of measures to ensure that its operation is free of forced labor, slaves or human trafficking, including:

* Assess social responsibility risks based on review and supervision results;

* Strictly implement the Guidelines for Manufacturing Workers/Staff Recruitment, prohibit the use of forced, bonded (including mortgaged) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slaves or human trafficking; if the other party uses deception or cheat to gain the trust of the company, the company will take immediate measures to protect the victim once found, and report to the relevant authorities or local government;

* Conduct CSR training and promotion to the management and all employees to enhance their social responsibility awareness;

* Strictly implement the Guidelines for the Prevention of Forced Labor, ensure that all employment is voluntary and employees are respected with protected human rights and without descrimination and punishment, protect the freedom and personality of employees from infringement, and encourage employees to exercise their right to supervise and their obligation to report.

At the same time, T&W has taken various measures to confirm that its supply chain is free of forced labor, slaves and human trafficking, including:

* Assess supply chain risks based on review and supervision results;

* Sign the Social Responsibility and Occupational Health Safety Commitment Letter with 100% of qualified suppliers. Compliance to commitements is a part of our standard requirements for all T&W suppliers;

* Provide training on CSR requirements to all T&W supply chain management professionals;

* Organize training for suppliers to enhance their awareness of social responsibility;

* Appoint a professional or a third party to conduct regular review of suppliers.


Our concern about slavery and human trafficking is just one part of the work to promote a wider range of transparency and accountability in supply chains. We will never tolerate any T&W supplier to use the forced, bonded (including mortgaged) or indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavers or human trafficking for any other purpose.

Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd.