Awarding Pioneers, Remembering History and Encouraging Fighting Will: Inspiring Chongqing Journey of Party Members of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics


2013 Commendation Conference of the CPC Committee of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd. was held in Chongqing Oriental Garden Hotel at 4:00 pm, September 14, it was presided by Wang Dawei, the secretary of the Company Party Committee, 86 Party Committee members and party members from four places participated in it. The conferences awarded 25 excellent party members and two advanced base party branches, and ten probationary party members conducted oath ceremony for admission. At the conference, Secretary Wang called on massive party members to dare to make contributions, struggle super-normally and play the role of pioneering model at the key moment of the company’s transformation.

All party members visited patriotism education bases including Zhazi Cave, Bai Residence and Chongqing Anti-Japanese Museum with the themes of “remembering history, inheriting spirits, appreciating enormous changes and encouraging fighting will” on the next day.

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