Gathering in the Picturesque Farm for Self-challenge Building A Strong T&W Team with Joint Efforts


--A large-scale outdoor team-building activity for T&W production workers took place in Guanlan

A large-scale outdoor team-building activity for T&W production workers took place in Guanlan Shanshuitianyuan Farm on July 2, receiving great enthusiasm from more than 1,200 participants of 48 teams.

An opening ceremony was held before the activity. Chen Kai, Deputy Director of Human Resources from Xinqiao Plant General Manager Office, delivered a welcoming speech, expressing her appreciation to all company members for their hard work and great efforts in reaching the production capacity and ensuring product quality in the past six months. Regarding the quality problems arising from the plant, she stressed Chairman Wang’s proposal to raise ideological level and improve production processes, means and operation in an all-round way so as to achieve a world-class quality, and highlighted that teamwork was essential to the Company's accomplishment as it had direct impact on the pass rate and the quality of products, and all workers should attach greater importance to quality issues. She also added that the team-building activity was to give full play to the strength of the team and to carry forward the fine traditions of courage and persistence of Xinqiao Plant.

After the opening ceremony, the teams were sent to different bases for various team-building activities, including targeted cross-country race, team sport games, water training. In these activities, T&W people displayed their superb cohesion and combat effectiveness as well as valuable teamwork spirit. After intense competition, No. 35 team got the first place with a final score of 95 and won bursts of cheers and applause.

At 6:00 pm, under the guidance of team coaches, a huge company Logo was formed by over one thousand participants. With collective efforts and wisdom, the awe-inspiring logo was extremely stunning. In the closing ceremony afterwards, Gong Pusheng, Deputy General Manager of the Company and leader of Xinqiao Plant, made a passionate speech. He said, “I was deeply moved when the company Logo came into my sight. It fully demonstrates the wisdom and strength of our team, and requires the great effort of everyone. This is exactly what we need to do in the present campaign of creating world-class quality for T&W”. Afterwards, Mr. Gong awarded commemorative medals to all the 35 members of the winner team and posed for a group photo.

With lots of funs and struggles, the activity came to a successful end. It not only creates a pleasant atmosphere for communication among employees, but also enhances their teamwork spirit, thus achieving the goal of strengthening team cohesion and fostering a profound corporate culture. Thanks to the considerate organization and meticulous arrangement of the General Manager Office, the perfect competition program with strict security measures finally ensures the success of the activity.

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