Passing on Love with Constant Care and Working Together for a Better Future


With the investment of RMB500,000 from Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co. Ltd., the teaching building of Shaanxi Zhenping T&W Hope Primary School was constructed in 2006. After completed and put into use, it has greatly improved the teaching conditions of the school, thus reflecting the Company's constant assistance and dedication to education. Grateful to the Company for its charitable deeds, the children are studying hard with a thankful heart to repay the society with knowledge. Meanwhile, the philanthropic acts of the Company and the leaders bring us great spiritual motivation and inspiration, encouraging us to further enhance and develop the education undertakings in Zhenping County.

2008 Wenchuan Earthquake caused severe damages on some walls, columns and beams of the teaching building. The teaching building was designed with low seismic intensity according to the standards applied before the Earthquake, and its floors were made of prefabricated slab. In light of the new Standards for Primary and Middle School Construction, its seismic fortification fails to comply with the existing regulations for school construction and requires seismic reinforcement to ensure the safety of lives and properties of students and teachers. To solve this problem, the Company will donate RMB 370,000 for the retrofitting of the teaching building.

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