T&W Hope Primary School Added a “New Member”


The reconstruction project of Chenjiaji T&W Hope Primary School in Hezheng County, Gansu Province was formally signed

On March 7, the reconstruction project of Chenjiaji T&W Hope Primary Schoolin Hezheng County, Gansu Province was formally signed, marking that various works of the ninth T&W Hope Primary School (the second T&W Hope Primary School in Gansu) aided by T&W Love Charity Foundation were formally started. More than 100 people including Chairman Wang Dawei of Shenzhen Bandao Electronics Co., Ltd. and its deputy general manager Long Xiaojing who is also the chairman of T&W Love Charity Foundation, former deputy secretary of Gansu Provincial Committee and director of the Provincial Work Committee Li Hulin as well as relevant leaders of Hezheng County, Linxia State, Gansu Province attended the signing conference. Chenjiaji Primary School lies in Chenjiaji Village, Chenjiaji Town, Hezheng County and it was founded in 1974, and it is the central school of Chenjiaji district, radiating 3,527 people. Because it was built a long time ago, most of its buildings were level D dangerous buildings with hidden dangers. Coupled with the increase in the number of students, the existing classroom seriously restricts the development of the school and students. T&W Love Charity Foundation decided to donate 3.5 millionyuan, combined with 4.9151 millionyuan completed by Hezheng County to reconstruct Chenjiaji T&W Hope Primary School with 8.4151 millionyuan in total.

At the conference, Chairman Wang Dawei of Bandao Stock first said thanks to leaders at all levels in Gansu for their attendance and showed deep respect and affection for the encouragement and support personally given by Secretary Li during the process of reconstructing hope primary schools in Gansu in the past. Chairman Wang focused on the development of the company and the condition of T&W Love Charity Foundation’s donation to reconstruct the hope primary school, and expounded the continuous care projects of Foundation’s hope primary school. He said why Gansu Lixian T&W Hope Primary School could develop was linked to the efforts of the teachers and students as well as the strong support of the local government, and he was willing to see the virtuous cycle. Donate to reconstruct the hope primary school was not only to donate teaching buildings and dormitories, but he also hoped that the donated school could develop simultaneously with the company so that their donation for reconstruction could be more meaningful. At last, he said: “it snowed in Hezheng last night. A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest so that it will also bring happy news to Hezheng and Gansu.Therefore, I hope our hope primary school can be better under such a good omen and with the care of leaders and governments at all levels.” The former deputy secretary of Gansu Provincial Committee and director of Provincial Work Committee Li Hulin pointed out in his speech: teenagers are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation. It is our common responsibility to care for the healthy growth of the next generation. I hope that Linxia State Committee and State Government as well as Hezheng County Committee and County Government can pay great attention, communicate and coordinate more with T&W Love Charity Foundation to plan and implement the project construction work well. Li Guohui, Secretary of the CPC County Committee of Hezheng expressed his sincere gratitude to Shenzhen T&W Love Charity Foundation and he said at the conference that he would carefully organize the implementation and strictly supervise the management of Chenjiaji T&W Hope Primary School reconstruction project to ensure the project can be completed and put into use as soon as possible and make it the cradle for the healthy growth of children. Subsequently, representatives of the parties held a signing ceremony, which meant that T&W Hope Primary School family would add a “New Member”. Currently, the building design and report for approval of the project is being carried out in full swing.

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