New Location, New Start, New Layout and New Development


On February 10, 2017, the removal of Shanghai Bandao was carried out as scheduled. Organized by the Administration Department and through some colleagues’ overtime hard work on weekend, Shanghai Bandao was moved from Yuanzhong to Xiexin on schedule and all operations were not affected by the relocation, for example, the mail system was back to normal only after eight hours’ interruption. Like all my colleagues, I was very pleased to be able to stay in the beautiful new office as scheduled. But we should know thanksgiving more than joy. We should thank the headquarters for purchasing the own property for Shanghai Bandao and layingthe foundation for its long-term development. In fact, Shanghai Bandao has always been supported and assisted by the headquarters in the process from nothing to existence and then be big, and finally be strong. We should thank Chairman Wang and his infrastructure team for their professional and hard work to complete the renovation as soon as possible. We should also thank the administrative center and related colleagues for their extra endeavors to let us live as soon as possible and relocate the office.  

Review the development process of Shanghai Bandao Communications that it was born in Sichuang, and grew in Yuanzhong and it needs to be strong in Xiexin now. In the past eight years, the company has developed from an office that couldn’t feed itself with a dozen employees and living in a rented shabby suite to one of the group’s three main supporting products subsidiaries that undertakes nearly half of the group’s sales with more than 200 employees, which cannot be separated from the headquarters’ support and care. Shanghai Bandao is like a child of Bandao Stock, which has grown up after nine years’ cultivation. The headquarters helped train us skills and provided us with world’s top hardware basic condition. It’s time for us to manage and grow independently to repay the headquarters. This year, we encountered a bottleneck in the development that there was a year-on-year decline in performance so that our current main business and our ability can’t meet the conditions of independent operation. But at this difficult time, we are guided by the most important policy of the company’s second venture, innovation and transformation to let us have a new layout and plan as well as the confidence and expectations to break through ourselves for development again. Especially our removal to a new office building at this critical time may just imply that Shanghai Bandao Communications will start a new layout, conquer new challenges and achieve new success from a new location and new time. I believe that Shanghai Bandao Communications staff can actively develop, practically work, unite and work together to forge ahead to open the chapter of its second rapid development.


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