Party Members and Voluntary Workers of Taicang T&W Delivered Consolation to “Children of the Stars”


On February 25th, the 10-people delegation including party members and voluntary workers of Taicang T&W delivered their consolation to“Children of the Stars”in Taicang Special Education School, and gave them 90 Spring Festival Consolation Gift Packs carefully prepared by the company. 
When the party members and voluntary workers warmly arrived at the school, the principal, Mr. Chen welcomed them. The children were very happy seeing the uncles, aunts, elder brothers and sisters, and greeted to them.  
In the fellowship party, the children presented moving singing and dancing performances to T&W employees, and T&W voluntary workers also presented their talent show.
In interactive games, the children were happy playing with T&W employees. During the consolation this time, T&W voluntary workers had reached Long-term Pair Care Program with the school, hoping to give children the help and support they need to grow up through the long-term interaction. 

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