The Conference for Commending T&W Hundred Stars and Old Employees Winning the Service Award of Bandao Electronics (South China) for 2022 & the 2023 Spring Festival Party Were Held Solemnly


The success of today has been achieved through decades of dedication. For the decisive battle in the future three years, the old backbones will fight with the same elegant demeanor. With new technologies and new plans in the new era, the prospect of the future ten years will see that newcomers excel the predecessors. On Feb. 25th, the Conference for Commending T&W Hundred Stars and Old Employees Winning the Service Award of Bandao Electronics (South China) for 2022 & the 2023 Spring Festival Party was held solemnly in the auditorium on Floor 2, Building 4 in Pingshan. Wang Dawei, Chairman of the company; Tang Fonan, Director of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors; General Manager Hu Zumin; Deputy General Managers Wei Honghai, Wang Lan, Tang Xiaolin and Long Xiaojing; He Yimeng, Secretary of the Board of Directors; and all M4 and P5 employees attended the activity.

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